Labels:car | chair | colour supplement | daily | fountain | minibike | plaything | sculpture | sky OCR: CineMac Unlimited for v1.5 Director CineMac Updater TM SCREEN SAVER FACTORIES Conyerts version 1.3 .2u to 1.5u The Unlimited version of CineMac for Director permits the licensee to distribut an UNLIMITED number of screen sayers using one copy Macr omedia Director and one comput er Pleas -ead the CineMac for Direct soft ware license for full terms of the distribution agreement Cont aci MacSourceru suppor WWW (760) 747. S66S- MAC S OURCERYTAM Macromedia Director trademark Macronredia CineMac reqistered trademart Whizbang Ltd Copuright 1995-1999 dhizt anc Itd Allrights reserved distribute Please read emeni trademarl